
My Opinion about News

My Opinion about News

by Nurlaily Nuhayyunnabilah -
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Everytime I heard 'news', I will think about  an information which contains current or actual incident or event.   

I agree that social media is changing the way we consume news. Social media has become the main source of online news. From my experience, I heard about the latest news via social media before ever hearing about it on a news station. However, social platforms have a control over what news and information we see. Our social media friends have become the “managing editors” who have control over what news pieces we see and what we do not. There are also many “fake news” websites that compete for attention with sensational headlines and ridiculous storylines that tend to get shared more often due to the lack of readers fact checking or reading more than the headline. That means that authentic content is hard to come by now. In fact, fake news is actually more likely to spread than the truth. It is easy to miss things now because of how quick stories can get turned around and shared. While having so much information at our fingertips is great, it is worth always checking sources and not taking headlines as truth.