Discussion about A Meaningful Learning

Meaningful Learning

Meaningful Learning

by Budi Rakhmadi -
Number of replies: 3

Meaningful learning, by its name it is obviously stated that it is a learning process that is meaningful for the students. Here the students not only just being a passive students but they are also expected to give an output in the learning process. Also, the learning process is designed according to the students interest in learning. For example, when we are teaching young learners we can design an activity that requires movement and interesting media in delivering the material. Teacher can use a music video that is colorful and interesting for them and ask them to do some movements while singing a song from a video.  By doing so, it will makes the students not only just the material from the teacher but also understand about the material itself (for a long term). For the teachers, they are expected to be creative in creating the material so that the learners will not be bored with the learning process. One more thing the material also should be match with the learners language level.

In reply to Budi Rakhmadi

Re: Meaningful Learning

by Farida Nur Laily -

hallo mas didi. 

as it is stated that the material also should be match with the learners language level but in a classroom we know that among the students there're differences in language level. one student may have high level in understanding the language but one another is not. so what do you think about this? thank you. 

In reply to Budi Rakhmadi

Re: Meaningful Learning

by Jovanda Febrianesty Ganiet -

Hi Didi,

I have read your explanation about meaningful learning. I do agree with the statement you said that in meaningful learning, learners are expected to give output. As we all known that the result of a good learning is when the learners can produce something positive from their learning and also can implement it through their real life.

In reply to Budi Rakhmadi

Re: Meaningful Learning

by Muhammad Aziz -

hello mas didi

I do agree with you that the teachers are expected to be creative because if the teachers are not creative, the student will be bored and sleepy in teaching-learning activity.