Discussion about A Meaningful Learning

Meaningful Learning

Meaningful Learning

by Ni'matul Farikhah -
Number of replies: 3

According to Ausubel (2000), "the most important single factor influencing learning is what the learner already knows". Therefore meaningful learning, which implies longer retention than memorizing, occurs when humans relate new concepts to pre-existing familiar concepts. Then changes are produced in our cognitive structure, concepts are modified and new links are created. It is a useful tool because it enables real learning, it generates greater retention and it facilitates transferences to other real situations. During meaningful learning, learners should “seek a way to connect or integrate new concepts or ideas with related ideas in the cognitive structure”, which facilitates adding existing knowledge from prior experiences to cognitive structures as well as refine the existing ideas (Novak, 2002). Continuing the discussion on meaningful learning, Ausubel (2000) provides a specific model with three main phases: using an advanced organizer, presenting the learning tasks or materials, and strengthening cognitive organization. In the first phase, it is important that the teacher clarify the objectives of the lesson, present the lesson, and relate the learner’s existing knowledge to the new input. Secondly, task-based activities should be utilized to cognitively engage the learner. It is also pivotal to note that meaningful learning is for explicit instruction so that learners can logically organize their knowledge, examples, and new discoveries. Finally, learners can advance their active learning by promoting mental processes.


Ausubel, D. P. (2000). The acquisition and retention of knowledge: A cognitive view. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Novak, J. D. (2002). Meaningful learning: The essential factor for conceptual change in limited or appropriate propositional hierarchies leading to empowerment of learners. Science Education, 86(4), 548-571. doi: https:// doi.org/10.1002/sce.10032

In reply to Ni'matul Farikhah

Re: Meaningful Learning

by Diah Ayuni A.R -

that's good explanation, you give the statement accordance to expert's. so, can you give me the example of media that can be use to make the learning process become memorable and meaningful?

In reply to Ni'matul Farikhah

Re: Meaningful Learning

by Lusiana Pratiwi -
Enable real learning. it is the learning concept that I supposed my self to do like this when I am as a teacher especially English teacher. The important thing is create the class happily, make the students fell love with its lesson
In reply to Ni'matul Farikhah

Re: Meaningful Learning

by Ais Navila -

I could not agree more with the statement from (Ausubel: 2000) about the most important single factor influencing learning is what the learner already knows. If they learn the material that they already know, the learner will get the real benefit from the knowledge they get.