RESEARCH DESIGN, Quantitative, Qualitative, Mixed Methods, Arts-Based, and Community-Based Participatory Research Approaches. Oleh : PATRICIA LEAVY


I think of research design as building a structure or plan for your research. Just as architects work with many different general types of structure—single-family homes, multifamily homes, nonresidential buildings, and so forth—social researchers have five primary structures with which they work: quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, arts-based, and community-based participatory. We call these approaches to research design, and the one we select for a given research project depends on considerations including our topic and purpose. The selected approach provides only the general purpose and structure for the research project, just as an architect with an assignment to design a single-family home still has many choices with respect to the style, layout, and size of the building. Within each of the five major design approaches, there are innumerable possibilities for how research might proceed. We have to consider two questions: What do we want to achieve? and How do we execute that goal? This is the process of building a methodology, which is a plan for how the research will be carried out. There are many tools at our disposal—methods, theories, and so forth—that we use to build a research plan. The philosophical point of view, professional experience, ethical standpoint, and practical skill set we, as individual researchers, bring to the table also influence how we design a project. We put our own stamp on our research projects the same way an architect might through unique stylistic features. In addition to reviewing these five approaches to design, this book is unique because of its attention to ethical practice, emphasis on writing a research proposal (and how this proposal differs across approaches to design), modeling of the use of appropriate language for each of the five designs, and the extensive pedagogical features employed to make this text user-friendly for students, professors, and researchers.

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