Assignment 6 (Group Project)

Work in a group of 4-5 people. Make a video showing the following topics. Each group has received the topic (which was determined together )via this link:

The tutorial video options include:
a. How to make some food (Pastry/ Dessert (non beverages))
b. How to make some creation in an application/ software
c. How to keep/ maintain/clean something
d. How to operate an electronic/technical thing
e. How to use a product for certain purposes
f. How to create a homemade handicraft

 All of the group members should appear/ have a role in showing or explaining the tutorial steps
 Upload videos to YouTube.

a. About the content
    While composing procedure, avoid the following things:
     Missing Steps
     Too many activities in one step
     Steps that are out of order
     Unclear or incomplete steps
b. Technical matters:
      Pay attention to light quality, object focus, camera resolution, microphone volume, and blocking techniques when displayed
      Make sure the image display can be seen clearly and the sound volume is good 

Mention the group members and submit the YouTube link via SPADA (here)