Learning from TPACK Research

1. Work based on the group of Design Instructional:

Project Based Learning

1. Nurul Larasati

2. Anda Roofi' Kusumaningrum

3. Yulinda Septianing Putri

4. Mimi Hamidah 

Problem Based Learning

1. Dwi Puji

2. Safitzal F

3. Yuliani Dwi. A

4. Tendi Nugraha

Discovery Learning

1. Rahmadilla

2. Reni Puspitasari Dwi Lestariyana

3. Ikrama Prasetya

4. Laras Hayu 

Literature Circle

1. Eric Dheva Tachta Armada

2. Andhika Wahyu Rustamaji

3. Taufik Ahmad Fahrudin

4. Yuto.w

Digital Storytelling

1. Sella Rohmawati

2. Fauridha permatasari

3. Iswatun Chasanah

4. Dian Octavianah

2. Search research about TPACK research based on the above design instructional research from these websites (2016-2020):

. https://www.cambridge.org/core

b. https://journals.sagepub.com/

c. https://www.sciencedirect.com/

d. https://link.springer.com/

e. https://emeraldinsight.com/

f. https://www.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/

g. https://academic.oup.com/journals/

h. https://www.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/

i. https://www.tirfonline.org/resources/references/

j. https://www.library.unisa.edu.au/

l.      https://www.tandfonline.com/

3. Each group should find 20 journals from reputable journals.

4. Discuss the possibility and problems you may have related to your finding based on journal articles you may have for your research in the future (at least 4 research).

5. Report the result of the discussion in the next meeting (10 slides) and present it in not more than 7 minutes.

Thank you

Nur Arifah Drajati