Literature Review dan Art Review

Literature Review dan Art Review

  • Pengertian Literatur Review

    • Literatur Review adalah uraian tentang teori, temuan dan bahan penelitian lain yang diperoleh dari bahan acuan untuk dijadikan landasan kegiatan penelitian untuk menyusun kerangka pemikiran yang jelas dari perumusan masalah yang ingin diteliti
    • Tujuan akhir Literatur riview adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang berkenaan dengan apa yang sudah pernah dikerjakan orang lain sebelumnya
    • Literatur review atau disebut juga tinjauan penelusuran pustaka merupakan langkah pertama untuk mengumpulkan informasi yang relevan bagi penelitian
    • Penelusuran pustaka berguna untuk menghindari duplikasi dari pelaksanaan penelitian
    • dengan penelusuran pustaka maka akan dapat diketahui penelitian yang pernah dilakukan sebelumnya
    • Literatur review berisikan ulasan rangkuman dan pemikiran penulis tentang beberapa sumber pustaka (dapat berupa artikel, buku, slide, informasi dari internet, dll) terkait dengan topik penelitian yang dibahas
    • Literatur review yang baik haruslah bermafaat relevan, mutakhir dan memadai.
    • Landasan teori, tinjauan teori dan tinjauan pustaka semuannya merupakan cara untuk melakukan tinjauan literatur
    • Literatur review merupakan suatu cara untuk menemukan, mencari artikel artikel, buku- buku dan sumber-sumber lain seperti tesis, disertasi, prosiding,yang relevan pada suatu isi tertentu atau teori atau riset yang menjadi minat si peneliti
    • Literatur review yang didapatkan biasanya masih bersifat umum atau general (general problem)

    Literatur rwview merupakan diskusi dari pengetahuan tentang topik yang sedang dipelajari atau bisa juga berupa hasil pengetahuan yang didukung dengan literatur riset dan merupakan fondasi dari penelitian

    2 Komponen Utama Literatur Review

    1. Kerangka teori (Theorical Freamwork)
    2. Kajian yang terkait dengan topik maupun tema penelitian

    3 Aspek Utama melakukan Literatur Review

    1. Survey artikel yang terkait dengan isu yang diminati oleh peneliti
    2. Lakukan evalusai, ringkas gambaran gambaran yang ada
    3. Dapatkan masukan yang terkait dengan isu dari publikasi yang terbaru hingga publikasi terlama sehingga peneliti bisa mendapatkan gambaran penelitian secara umum dan kompherensif

    Beberapa Hal Terkait Literatur Review

    • Apa yang menjadi masalah dan kenapa masalah itu penting untuk dipecahkan?
    • Apakah masalah tersebut telah berhasil dipecahkan/ dipecahkan oleh peneliti lain?
    • Tetapkan permasalahan yang ada se simple/ sesederhana mungkin
    • Apakah metodologi penelitian sudah sesuai dan sudah dimulai?
    • Apakah kontribusi literatur review terhadap penelitian yang dilakukan?
    • Apakah kesimpulan yang bisa diambil terkait dengan permasalahan?
    • Apakah kesimpulan yang dibuat sudah cukup menjawab dari permasalahn yang ada?

    Manfaat Literatur Review

    1. Identifikasi kesenjangan (identify gaps) penelitian
    2. Hindari pembuatan ulang (reinventing the wheel), sehingga bisa hemat waktu dan untuk hindari kesalahan kesalahan yang pernah dilakuakan orang lain
    3. Identifikasi metode yang pernah dilakukann dan yang relevan dengan penelitian yang dilakukan
    4. Meneruskan penelitian sebelumnya yang telah tercapai, sehingga penelitian yang akan dilakukan dapat dibangun diatas platform pengetahuan atau ide yang sudah ada
    5. Untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang orang lain yang melakukan penelitian di area/fokus riset sama, sehingga dapat bergabung didalam komunitas ynga dapat memberikan kontribusi penelitian yang berharga

    Langkah langkah Literatur Review

    Langkah 1: Formulasikan Permasalahan

    • Pilihlah topik yang sesuai isu dan minat
    • Permasalahan harus ditulis secara lengkap dan tepat

    Langkah 2: Cari Literatur

    • Cari literatur yang relevan dengan penelitian
    • Dapatkan gambaran(overview) topik penelitian
    • Sumber sumber penelitian sangan membantu bila didukung pengetahuan topik yang dikaji.
    • Sumber sumber tersebut berikan gambaran/ringkasan penelitian sebelumnya

    Langkah 3: Evaluasi Data

    • Lihatlah kontribusi apa saja terhadap topik yang dibahas
    • Cari dan temukan sumber data yang tepat sesuai kebutuhan guna mendukung penelitian
    • Data bisa berupa data kualitatif, data kuantitatif maupun data yang berasal dati kombinasi keduanya

    Langkah 4: Analisis dan Interpretasikan

    • Diskusikan dan temukan serta ringkas literatur

    Untuk review sebuah literatur dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa cara seperti:

    1. Cara kesamaannya (compare)
    2. Cari ketidaksamaannya (contrast)
    3. Berikan pandangan (criticize)
    4. Banadingkan (synthesize)
    5. Ringkasan (summarize)


    • Hal terpenting dalam membuat literatur review adalah fitur utama dalam membangun teori, yaitu dengan bandingkan antara konsep, teori dan hipotesis dengan literatur yang ada
    • Kunci utama dari proses ini adalah melihat sebanyak banyaknya literatur yang ada
    • Kemudian cari persamaan dan perbedaan yang terjadi antara literatur yang satu dengan literatur lainnya. dan cari alasan kenapa hal tersebut bisa terjadi

    Sumber Sumber Literatur Review

    1. Publikasi paper dijurnal nasional dan internasonal
    2. Tesis (S2), penulis ilmiah yang sifatnya mendalam dan mengungkapkan suatu pengetahuan baru yang diperoleh melalui penelitian
    3. Disertasi (S3), merupakan penulisan ilmiah tingkat tinggi untuk dapatkan gelar Doktor Falsafah (ph.D). Disertasi berisi fakta berupa penemuan dari penulis berdasarkan metode dan analisis yang dapat dipertahankan kebenarannya
    4. Jurnal, Hasil hasil konferensi. Jurnal biasanya dihunakan sebagai bahan sitiran (sitasi) utama dalam penelitian karena jurnal memuat suatu informasi baru yang bersifat spesifikasi dan terfokus pada pemecahan masalah pada suatu topik penelitian
    5. Majalah, pamflet, kliping. majalah ilmiah merupakan sumber publikasi yang biasanya berupa teori, penemuan baru maupun berupa materi materi yang sedang populer dibicarakan dan diteliti
    6. Abstrak hasil penelitian
    7. Prosiding (proceedings). Pengambilan prosiding sebagai bahan literatur bisa memudahkan peneliti karena adanya kolaborasi antara peneliti dengan penulis prosiding yang mungkin berada astu Institusi, komuniti, peer group yang sama.
    8. Website yang memuat literatur ilmu komputer seperti,, dan lainnya

    Cycle Of Scientific Literature

    Pengertian Literatur Review


    • Sitasi (citation) sangat penting dalam penulisan ilmiah, karena penulis memerlukan bahan pustaka (literatur review) untuk mendukung hasil tulisan pnelitiannya
    • Sitasi menunjukan asal usul atau sumber suatu kutipan, mengutip pernyataan, atau salin.ulangi pernyataan seseorang dan mencantumkannya di dalam suatu karya tulis yang dibuat, namun tetap indikasikan bahwa kutipan tersebut merupakan pernyataan dari orang lain
    • Suatu dokumen akan disitir apabila relevan dengan kegiatan penilisan karya ilmiah yang dilakukannya
    • Penyitiran dokumen dilakukan dengan maksud membantu pengarang daptkan informasi tambahan guna memecahkan masalah yang diteliti
    • Pada dasarnya, semua kalimat, ide atau hasil karya yang bukan karya sendiri harus disebutkan sumbernya
    • Salah satu pemilihan dokumen yang disitir adalah kesesuaian topik dengan penelitian, namu ada juga yang menyitir dari dokumen yang berbeda dari topik penelitian, misalnya : untuk melihat analisa statistik/ analisa data lain yang mungkin bisa digunakan pada penelitian yang sedang dilakukan
    • Tahun terbitan dokumen adalah hal penting karena dokumen yang terbitannya lebih terbaru atau termutakhir memuat informasi dan pengetahuan baru yang sedang berkembang saat itu
    • Dokumen yang sifatnya lama.klasik juga masih bisa disitir, karena dokumen tersebut memberikan informasi yang masih relevan dengan keadaan saat ini, atau dokumen tersebut berisikan informasi awal perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan pada saat ini

    Beberapa Refrensi dalam Mengacu Sumber Informasi :

    1. IEEE (Institute of Electrical dan Electronics Enginers) Citation Style
    Model IEE: Setiap refrensi diberi nomor berdasarkan urutan kemunculannya pada dokumen. ketika mengacu suatu refrensi dalam tulisan, digunakan nomor refrensi yang diapit oleh kurung siku [].
    Pengertian, Manfaat, dan Langkah-Langkah Literatur Review

    2. Chicago Citation Style
    Model Chicago: Berbeda dengan model acuan IEEE, pada model acuan chicago, refrensi refrensi diurutkan berdasarkan abjad pada daftar pustaka
    Pengertian, Manfaat, dan Langkah-Langkah Literatur Review 2

    Model Lain Sitasi
    1. APA Style ( American Psychological Association)
    untuk rumpunan ilmu pisikologi, pendidikan dan ilmu ilmu sosial. contoh :
    Pengertian, Manfaat, dan Langkah-Langkah Literatur Review 3
    Pengertian, Manfaat, dan Langkah-Langkah Literatur Review 4

    2. MLA Style (Modern language Association)
    untuk rumpun ilmu literature, seni, humanities. contoh:
    Pengertian, Manfaat, dan Langkah-Langkah Literatur Review 5
    Pengertian, Manfaat, dan Langkah-Langkah Literatur Review 6
    Pengertian, Manfaat, dan Langkah-Langkah Literatur Review 7

    3. AMA Style ( American Medical Association)
    Pengertian, Manfaat, dan Langkah-Langkah Literatur Review 8

  • How to Write an Art Review and Make a Good Impression

    Art Review Definition

    An art review is an evaluation of art that can include a rating to indicate the work’s relative merit. Works of art, which are exhibited for public viewing and evaluation, bring great pleasure to visitors of museums and exhibitions. Most of us need to receive joy, seeing what a creative person is capable of doing. Sometimes it can be difficult or, on the contrary, it is very easy to accept the point of vision of the surrounding world by this or that artist. And they themselves are interested in getting appreciation for their creativity and the impetus for the further development of their talent. This is greatly helped by an art review, which can be done by both professionals and ordinary connoisseurs of the art.

    how to write an art exhibition review

    The Purpose of an Art Review

    The artist’s exhibition is not only the viewing of works of art, but also the sale of paintings and the collection of reviews of visitors and connoisseurs of painting. The reviews help to open a new facet of the artist’s talent, to evaluate its expositions and to look in a new light on what has already been done and what is to be done in order to gain more admirers and reach world-level fame and popularity.

    How to Prepare for Writing an Art Review

    Before you start writing a review, you should remember that a detailed retelling of what is going on in the painting reduces the value of the review: first, it is not interesting to read the work itself; secondly, one of the criteria for a weak review is rightly considered substitution of analysis and interpretation of the text by retelling it. Every painting begins with a title that you interpret as you look at it. Next, after you are finished preparing for the writing, it is time to understand how to write an art review.

    Questions to Ask Before Writing an Art Review

    1. What format should be followed while writing an art review?
    2. What is depicted in the painting?
    3. What did the author want to say by this painting?
    4. Which moments left an indelible impression on you?
    5. What is the artist famous for?
    6. What are other memorable works of the artist?
    7. What associations occurred during the viewing?
    8. Can you use epithets and other expressive means?
    9. How can your own view of what you see be translated into a review?
    10. Would you add, or, on the contrary, expel something from the painting?

    Art Review Writing Steps

    1. A review of a work of art must consist of several points. In the first paragraph, give the general characteristics of the picture, its actual description, and specify in detail what you see in it. Make a special emphasis on the moments that are especially attracting attention and leave an indelible impression. For example: “The picture depicts a turquoise sea, the beautiful silvery sand attracts attention, the endless blue sky catches your eye, and there is a sense of silence, which is disturbed only by the sound of the surf and the distant outbursts of the oars.”
    2. Further, it will be helpful to sort out all the associations and thoughts that came to your mind from what you saw. For example: “The landscape of the painting is associated with the vacation, which the viewer wants so much to spend on the shores of the azure sea, far from the hustle and bustle of daily worries, plunging into peace and quiet.”
    3. In the next paragraph, describe all the feelings from what you saw. You can express admiration from the viewed work in rapturous form. For example: “delightful,” “amazing,” “cool,” “super,” and “I want to see such the picture daily, waking up in the morning.” Give an assessment that is closest to you in the conversation genre.
    4. Develop your own idea. Describe in detail what happened to you after what you saw. Describe what needs to be added, what detail the artist has missed, what impression the picture would have made if additional landscapes were added, and if the color of the paint was changed or the canvas was decorated in a different style.
    5. In the conclusion of the description, give a general description of the artist’s works and your description of the picture viewed. Give a direction for further creativity, indicate what style, what genre you would like to see in the future, and what products you plan to purchase for your own interior, collection, or as a gift. Summarize everything you described. For example: “Modern painting is increasingly pleased with burning and saturated works. Modern creativity overcame postmodernism and expressiveness, returning connoisseurs to the real world of reality, and young artists opened the entire brink of creative potential that had previously been inaccessible and shone with new colors.”

    Art Review Sample Analysis

    Thanks to the art review example presented below, your own review can become more impressive. You can see how the writer talks about the matter of color, design, and technique of painting. An art review sample contains a general assessment concerning all the artist’s works and, directly, the one about which he writes. It is appropriate to read through art samples if you don’t know where to start. You can find reviews on the picture that you need to write on and also art review examples presented on our site will be helpful.

    Click the images to see their full size.

    how to write an art review sample

    how to write an art exhibition review sample

    how to write an art exhibition review paper

    Tips for Writing an Art Review

    • Remember and tell what you know about the life and work of the artist. Briefly describe the historical era and the peculiarities of his or her native country. Indicate the main milestones of the life of the painter, his creative achievements, and a special contribution to the development of art. List the most famous works of the master.
    • Designate the genre of the painting, and note the technique of performance and other artistic features of the picture. Specify how typical it is for a particular artist. Perhaps you want to talk about the only self-portrait in the creative biography of the illustrator of fairy tales.
    • Tell about the plot of the picture. Summarize its main theme, what it is devoted to. Note whether the picture is related to certain historical events, whether it is a continuation of any significant topic in the artist’s work, and whether it evokes associations with literary sources. Determine exactly what the painter wanted to express.
    • Analyze the features of the composition of the picture. Pay special attention to what is depicted in the foreground and what is attributed to the background by the author. Describe in detail the various details: the number of characters in the picture, their poses and emotions, the presence of main and secondary actors, and their interaction among themselves. Tell how detailed the general background of the picture is, and whether additional details have been introduced to support the main idea.
    • Draw a connection between the plot and the color scheme of the picture, and think on what effect the artist wanted to achieve using these very tones. Do not ignore the way the artist placed light accents on the canvas.
    • Describe the novelties applied by the artist in this picture. Here you can talk about plot constructions that have no analogues among contemporaries, and about the nuances of the artist’s artistic manner.
    • Express your own impression of the picture. Explain how exactly it impressed you, to what thoughts it pushed, and what memories and associations it caused. If your opinion does not coincide with the reaction of critics, explain why you took this picture in such a way, and not otherwise.

    How to Write an Art Exhibition Review

    how to write an art review

    To express your impressions of the exhibition, you can use the resources of two genres. In the review, you can focus on evaluating the works of art that you saw. The report gives an opportunity to create the impression of a “live” picture in the text.

    1. A review is designed to evaluate works of art. In the introduction, tell the reader about where the exhibition is held and what it is devoted to. Briefly introduce the concept of the event in the form in which it was formulated by the curators themselves – they usually provide such information at the time of the opening or afterward as an announcement on the site of the museum or gallery.
    2. Correlate the official concept with what you saw at the exhibition with your own eyes. You can move from general to particular and first describe the impression that you received from all the works in general. And only after this, speculate on the impressions that have developed. Or, use the method of induction. Stop in detail on all significant works. If this is important in this case, tell us about the creator of each object, its creative evolution, and favorite techniques. Give an assessment of each work, arguing it.
    3. Draw a conclusion: whether the organizers succeeded in translating the declared idea, and whether the average visitor could catch and feel it. In the finale of the text, briefly formulate your impressions of the exhibition. If you want to make the text more dynamic, “live,” use the form and techniques of reportage.

    After reading through our post, you have learned how to write an art review. It doesn’t matter whether you need to write a review on a picture, painter, or exhibition, as we tried to cover all of these issues. Besides this guide, feel free to look through our samples. If you need to deal with other academic papers, visit our blog for finding the right guide for you. Also, check out our article review example.

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