Analisis SWOT pada (mantan) tempat magang

Lakukan analisis SWOT pada industri tempat magang Anda sebelumnya dengan mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor sebagai berikut

Strength & Weakness (Internal Fcators):

1. Human Resources: skills and abilities of managers and workers, special talent (creativity, design, problem solving), loyalty to the organisation, expertise, dedication & experience

2. Facilities and equipment: capacities, location, and age

3. Financial resources: cash flow, access to additional funding and existing debt burden

4. Customers: loyalty, existing relationship and understanding of wants and needs are importan

5. Products & services: Existing and potential products and services

6. Technology: existing technology, ability to integrate new technology, impact of technology on current and future operation

7. Suppliers: suppliers relationship, dependability of suppliers, quality, flexibility and service

8. Others: labor relation, company or product image, distribution channels, access to markets, etc

Threat and Opportunity (External Factors)

1. Economic condition: health & direction of the economy, inflation/deflation, interest rate, tax laws

2. Political condition: favourable or unfavourable attitudes toward business, political stability/instability

3. Legal environment: antitrust laws, government regulations, trade restrictions, minimum wage laws, product liability laws and labour laws

4. Technology: current and future process technology

5. Competition: number and strength of competitors, basis of competition (price, quality, special features) 

6. Markets: size, location, brand loyalties, potential for growth, demographics

Merupakan tugas individu, silakan diskusi namun pengerjaan tugas secara individu.

Penilaian mempertimbangkan juga aspek kesamaan dengan mahasiswa lain (lihat rubrik penilaian di RPS)