Assignment 4 - News Broadcast (The Second Project)

  1. Choose your news topics (at least from 2 articles) to report on.
  2. Your broadcast should be between 5-6 mins in length for group of 3 or 4 people
  3. Make sure each group member gets a chance to speak. 
  4. Read the project guidelines and rubric posted above.
  5. Upload your video in Youtube, then attach the link here.
  6. For your broadcast you will need:

          a. Divide the speaking roles:

               ·  1 or 2 reporters

               ·  At least 2 subjects (people) to interview

               ·  You can decide who does which role

               ·  You can play multiple roles during the broadcast

          b. Don't forget to answer the 5w1h during your video.