Assignment 2

Watch and take notes these following videos in total at least 6 sentences about how to create a good audiovisual record.

A. Basic Tips

 Watch from 0:00 to 3:41


1) Film in Landscape

2)  Tilt (up down) & Pan (left right)  

3) Slide (left right or up down)

                        ***Golden Hour**** 4:45

B. Composition and framing 

 Watch from 1:50 until 4:45


1) Subject (who/what you are shooting)

2) Lighting

3) Rule of 3rds (grids)

C. Audio

 Watch from 0:00 until 3:45


1) Quiet place with good acoustics

2) Vocal Projection

3) Voice over

Write down your work in doc. format, and submit here.