Topic outline

  • General

    Pada matakuliah Turbin, Mahasiswa belajar tentang memahami jenis-jenis turbin berdasarkan fuluidanya, merancang turbin air pelton, francis dan kaplan, merancang turbin angin, merancang turbin uap dan merancang turbin gas.

  • Topic 1: Pengenalan Turbin

  • Topic 2: Turbin Uap (Steam Turbine)

    The steam energy is converted mechanical work by expansion through the turbine.

  • Topic 4: UTS

    UTS Turbin 

  • Topic 6: Gas Turbines Part 1

    Gas turbines are a type of internal combustion (IC) engine in which burning of an air-fuel mixture produces hot gases that spin a turbine to produce power. It is the production of hot gas during fuel combustion, not the fuel itself that the gives gas turbines the name. Gas turbines can utilize a variety of fuels, including natural gas, fuel oils, and synthetic fuels. Combustion occurs continuously in gas turbines, as opposed to reciprocating IC engines, in which combustion occurs intermittently.