Topic outline

  • General

  • Objectives and Concepts of Learning History

    Strategy and innovation in learning history are devoted to creating effective and efficient learning processes to reach the learning objective. To design an effective and efficient learning process, prospective history teachers should understand the objective of learning history and the concepts of learning history. The first section of the course deals with those topics through five learning activities. The section aims to provide knowledge about the objectives of learning history and the concepts in learning history (historical thinking, historical knowledge, historical consciousness, historical culture, historical reasoning, historical literacy, historical empathy and historical reasoning) 

  • Methods, Models, and Innovation of Learning History

    This section explores the methods, models, and innovations in learning history. The methods of teaching and learning history will be discussed in searching for an effective and efficient learning process. The models of learning history can be divided into two sections: the general model of learning (problem-based learning, discovery learning, inquiry learning, and problem-based learning) and the particular model of learning (inquiry-based learning history model, deconstructive learning history model, primary source based learning model). The aims of this section is to provide various methods, models, and innovations in learning history.