Topic outline

  • General

    • Rencana Pembelajaran Semester File
      Restricted Not available unless: You belong to Semester 2023A
  • Konsep Dasar Hukum Diplomatik

    • Pengertian dan ruang lingkup Hk Diplomatik File
      Restricted Not available unless:
      • The activity Rencana Pembelajaran Semester is marked complete
      • You belong to Semester 2023A
    • Forum Diskusi dan tanya jawab
      Restricted Not available unless:
      • The activity Pengertian dan ruang lingkup Hk Diplomatik is marked complete
      • You belong to Semester 2023A
  • Fungsi, anggota dan prosedur pembukaan hubungan diplomatik

    • Pembukaan hubungan diplomatik File
      Restricted Not available unless:
      • You belong to Semester 2023A
      • The activity Forum Diskusi dan tanya jawab is marked complete
    • Fungsi Perwakilan Diplomatik File
      Restricted Not available unless:
      • You belong to Semester 2023A
      • The activity Pembukaan hubungan diplomatik is marked complete
    • Forum diskusi dan tanya jawab
      Restricted Not available unless:
      • The activity Fungsi Perwakilan Diplomatik is marked complete
      • You belong to Semester 2023A
  • Kekebalan dan Keistimewaan Perwakilan diplomatik

    • Kekebalan, Keistimewaan dan Kemudahan File
      Restricted Not available unless:
      • You belong to Semester 2023A
      • The activity Forum diskusi dan tanya jawab is marked complete
    • Forum diskusi dan tanya jawab
      Restricted Not available unless:
      • The activity Kekebalan, Keistimewaan dan Kemudahan is marked complete
      • You belong to Semester 2023A
  • Isu-isu terkini dan berakhirnya hubungan diplomatik

    • Pemutusan Hubungan Diplomatik File
      Restricted Not available unless:
      • You belong to Semester 2023A
      • The activity Forum diskusi dan tanya jawab is marked complete
    • Contoh Kasus Pemutusan Hubungan Diplomatik File
      Restricted Not available unless:
      • You belong to Semester 2023A
      • The activity Pemutusan Hubungan Diplomatik is marked complete
    • Forum diskusi dan tanya jawab
      Restricted Not available unless:
      • The activity Contoh Kasus Pemutusan Hubungan Diplomatik is marked complete
      • You belong to Semester 2023A
  • Ujian Akhir Semester

    • Ujian Kompetensi Akhir Quiz
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      • You belong to Semester 2023A
      • The activity Forum diskusi dan tanya jawab is marked complete