Sistem perkuliahan belajar mandiri, kelompok, dan diskusi

mata kuliah pengajaran mikro D merupakan mata kuliah yang bertujuan agar Mahasiswa memiliki kompetensi  dasar mengajar yang ditunjukkan oleh kemampuan mendemonstrasikan atau mengaplikasikan kompetensi tersebut dalam proses belajar mengajar berskala kecil/terbatas bagi anak tunadaksa

This course helps students in mastering the concept of micro teaching, teaching skills, preparation of lesson plans, demonstrating the learning process, and assessing peer teaching performances.

This course explains the concept, purpose, types, also the benefits of guidance and learning. Moreover, it also describes the concept, steps, and evaluations of academic remedial for children with special needs.

This course assists students in studying neurological disorders that exist in children with special needs and knowing the human nervous system in general

This course facilitates students to master the concepts competencies of attention concentration and hyperactivity disorder, identifying and planning learning for attention concentration and hyperactivity disorder.

This course examines the concepts of ophthalmology, eye anatomy and physiology, visual acuity and abnormalities, eye diseases and eye disorders

This course facilitates students to master language sign concept competencies and applying language sign as compensatory and bilingual language.

This course facilitates students to master symbols in MIPA, Arabic, Music, English and teaching Braille to students. The competence for planning, implementing, reporting and publishing scientific research results in accordance with the principles of research methodology.