This course provides students with abilities to construct an effective promotion of products and services verbally and visually using digital technology.

After completing the course, students are expected to be able to identify problems of translating source texts into the target texts in the level of lexis, phrase, clause, sentence, and discourse, and to provide solutions. A mini project of translating text done in groups is assigned to the students as final examination. Here, students are required to write their experiences in analyzing texts, observing parallel texts, translating texts and eventually provide their opinions on the best practices of translating.

In the course of the semester, students will engage with both the theories and practices of cultural studies since it began in 1970s. Students will review the basic concepts of cultural studies and some cultural theories. Students will also learn how Cultural Studies has changed the way scholars see artifacts and popular culture products.

This course will review the characteristics of American Studies and the development of American Studies as interdisciplinary field. It will also pay attention to American Studies as multiracial, socio-cultural perspective, and transnational perspectives. Students will also engage with some theoretical works that have influenced American Studies scholars. Thus, the goal of the course is to develop students' knowledge in the interdisciplinary perspectives of American Studies field. The purpose of the course is to encourage students to choose a research topic and investigate the theme in the context of American culture and history and/or Americanization  and globalization. Students are free to choose games, media products, or literary works as their object of research and investigate the texts/ artifacts as national narratives, racial formation, or global circulation commodities.   Students also required to develop rhetorical analysis through close readings of assorted materials and ethnographic data exploration.

American Ethnics aims at providing the students with understanding on racial and ethnic difference as well as conflicts and the existence of minorities as a result of waves of immigration in the United States of America. Students further, are able to analyze topics in ethnic studies,  and understanding the  theories and approaches on race, ethnics, and minority in American studies.

This course is a survey on British Poetry from Neo Classic Period To ModernPeriod 

The course reviews the basic concepts of gender, the feminist movement in the U.S. and some contemporary feminist theories and its epistemology. Students will engage with especially recent feminist theories and how to apply the theories to various phenomena in U.S. culture. It also encourages students to connect the theories, American women experiences with Indonesian culture.

Mata kuliah ini membekali mahasiswa untuk menguasai bahasa Inggris untuk tujuan akademis. 
Materi kuliah meliputi beda ragam bahasa akademik dan non akademik, struktur teks artikel ilmiah, tata cara penulisan artikel ilmiah dan tata cara menghindari dan mencegah plagiarisme. Mahasiswa juga akan dilatih menggunakan reference tool. 

Integrated English focuses on using all four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) to explore global issues. This course is uses Project Based Learning, Blended Learning, and Flipped Classroom to deliver materials.  Students will be expected to use 21st century skill in the classroom. Students will collaborate and communicate to apply critical and creative thinking in the frame work of social responsibility.

Mata Kuliah ini  mengidentifikasi tentang power relations dan power struggle pada teks lisan, teks tulis dan audio-visual  melalui tiga tahapan analisis: description, interpretation dan explanation (Fairclough, 1989) dan perspektif lainnya yang di introdusir oleh van Dijk, van Leeuwen, Ruth Wodak, dan Sara Mills. 

This course aims at providing students' understanding on American History from the earliest days to modern American history and are able to criticize, analyze, and interpret data using a historical approach.

This course is the second part of American History course. It aims at providing students' understanding on American History from the 1920s era to 80s and early 21st century of America and are able to criticize, analyze, and interpret data using a historical approach.

American Thought course explores the thoughts that have developed in the US from the early birth of the nation until modern times that shape the Americans' way of life and thinking. The students are expected to understand the theories on American Thought and apply them in analyzing the primary texts and or recent issues in the US. 

This course provides students with knowledge about American Studies as a discipline and research topics in American Studies.

Matakuliah ini membekali mahasiswa dengan teori-teori Sociolinguistics dalam bahasa Inggris. Pokok bahasan yang disajikan dalam mata kuliah ini adalah macro dan micro Sociolinguistics, language variation, register, dialect, standard vs non standard language, creole and pidgin, bilingualism, code switching, and code mixing, language sexism, language play, language changes

This course is called Systemic Functional Grammar, a part of Systemic Functional Linguistics, that discusses lexicogrammar involving language metafunctions, ideational, interpersonal, and textual. This course discusses concept of language in SFL, constituent in SFL, Clause as exchange, clause as message, clause as representation, clause complex, nominal group, verbal group, lexes.

This course is intended to provide students with concept and skills of analyzing language as social process in spoken and written modes. The analysis will be approached from the point of views of three meta function.

This course is intended to provide students with concept and skills of analyzing language as spoken and written texts for the sake of understanding language as social process. This course is limited to lexico-grammatical analysis in meta-functional and systemic perspectives. At the end , the students are also challenged with text analysis from the point of view of lexicogrammar.