General English III aims at enhancing students' creative thinking skills by practicing four basic English skills in integrated way in the form of project based assignments. The exposition and discussion texts are explored by focusing on public speaking skills and also written communication skills.  

General English III is a compulsory course for semester 5 students. It is a continuity of GE II. The students are expected to apply integrated English skills in the form of project based assignments that focus on public speaking skills and creative thinking skills. 

The advance of General English courses for English vocational students. Using the basic English skills such as writing, reading, speaking, and listening to make some products which can be video, articles, or posters.

Mata kuliah ini merupakan mata kuliah yang membekali mahasiswa dengan konsep dasar subtitling dan proses penerjemahan subtitling, Selain itu, mata kuliah ini membekali mahasiswa dengan keterampilan menerjemahkan dan menghasilkan subtitle yang berkualitas menggunakan program/software pembuatan subtitle.

Mahasiswa mempelajari berbagai jenis dan teknis penyuntingan hasil penerjemahan, baik dari bahasa Inggris ke bahasa Indonesia maupun sebaliknya.
Kegiatan pembelajaran meliputi observasi teks,  mengidentifikasi jenis kesalahan (ejaan, tanda baca, tata bahasa, dan ragam bahasa), merevisi kesalahan yang ditemukan.

This course shall provide students with oral translation / interpreting theory and practice opportunities. Students will learn types of interpreting, its methods and application, as well as the skills required to conduct interpreting practice. Students will also be equipped with additional method to improve their interpreting skills such as note taking, short term memory training and using IT resources to enhance their interpreting skills. 

Mahasiswa mempelajari dan mempratikkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris yaitu menulis teks persuasive, berbicara dan berkomunikasi untuk keperluan persuasi, negosiasi, dan presentasi, menulis sebuah naskah press release, melakukan survey sederhana di bidang PR.

Setelah mengikuti Mata kuliah Penyuntingan Hasil Terjemahan, peserta mampu ...

General English III is a compulsory course for semester 5 students. It is a continuity of GE II. The students are expected to apply integrated English skills in the form of project based assignments that focus on public speaking skills and creative thinking skills.