This course covers the concepts of correlational and comparasional analyses that consist of hypothesis testing, anova, ancova, regression & correlation and path analysis. This two-credits course using Minitab and SPSS as the chosen software for student to analyse data

Mata kuliah Filsafat Ilmu berhubungan dengan kajian tentang cara memperoleh pengetahuan, kemampuan dan keterampilan ilmiah dengan menerapkan penalaran filosofis dan kritis-logis dengan tidak mengabaikan keterbatasan ilmu dan metode-metode ilmiah dan batasan batasan moral dan sosialnya dalam memperoleh dan memanfaatkan pengetahuan. Mata Kuliah Filsafat Ilmu mencakup pembahasan tentang ontologi, epistemologi, dan aksiologi ilmu dalam konstelasi berbagai pengetahuan lainnya, serta perkembangan pengetahuan ilmiah. Pembahasan tentang ontologi ilmu difokuskan pada unsur realitas empirik (empiricism) seperti fakta, data, dan informasi tanpa melepaskannya dari realitas rasional (rationalism), serta kedudukannya dalam kegiatan ilmiah. Epistemologi ilmu difokuskan pada metode ilmiah dan operasionalisasinya dalam metodologi penelitian. Aksiologi ilmu membahas nilai-nilai yang terkait dengan kegiatan keilmuan baik secara internal, eksternal, maupun sosial.

It covers how to write an academic paper and publish it in the reputable journal. The course is 2 credits, consists of 16 meetings including the mid and the final test. The course is divided into three sections: 1. Preparing and Writing a qualified academic paper, 2. Process of publication, and 3. Practicing to write a literature paper and submitting to the journal. In the first section, students will learn writing an abstract, introduction, methodology, result and discussion, acknowledgement, and references; scientific plagiarism and ethical code for writing, tracking similarities and plagiarism, and in the 2nd section, they will learn about the important of publication, selecting the journal, analysing the quality of the journal (predatory and non predatory), indexing and abstracting, tracking articles as literatures, presenting the paper. And in the 3rd section, students will practice to develop a literature paper, reviewing, proofreading and submission the manuscript.   

Educational Research Method (MPB6105) is a course offered on the first semester of master program students at the Department of Biology Education. It is a three-credits course, covers research design on educational research, which is divided into three: quantitative design, qualitative design, and mix quantitative and qualitative design.

Among the quantitative, students will learn four topics, i.e. Experimental Research, Ex-post Facto, Survey, and Correlational Research. On the second part of the qualitative research, they will learn about Case Study/Phenomenology, Focus Group, Document Analysis, and Classroom Observation. And in the third section, it will be provided with knowledge and skills on action research, think aloud method, comparative studies, mixed method, and design based research.

The course will be active learning, other by giving a brief explanation on the concept, and students will deeply learn through the selected papers of the academic journals, or vice versa, students will learn the concepts through independent and group activities by searching related papers and analysing the research design.

Problematikan Pendidikan Biologi

CPMK Problematika Pendidikan Biologi meliputi:

Menelaah ragam masalah pembelajaran Biologi yang penting dan terpilih, terampil menganalisis akar masalah pembelajaran Biologi yang penting dan terpilih serta mampu mengusulkan solusi penyelesaian masalah berdasarkan kajian teori dan data.

CPMK ini diperoleh melalui Pengalaman Belajar:

  1. Menelaah ragam masalah pembelajaran Biologi yang penting dan terpilih dalam bentuk makalah secara berkelompok, kemudian mendiskusikan dalam seminar kelas.
  2. Observasi ke sekolah untuk mengidentifikasi masalah pembelajaran biologi terpilih, menganalisis akar masalah, serta mengusulkan solusi tindakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah terpilih secara berkelompok kemudian mendiskusikan dalam seminar kelas.